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Updated over a week ago


Editing history

A chronological record of changes and modifications made to a Digital Twin or Interactive Flow over time. This history provides insight into the evolution of the content and allows users to track revisions and updates.

(Location: Editing page of Digital Twin or Interactive Flow - within the web interface)

Edit Settings

For Digital Twin:

  • Modify name, description, and upload a cover photo.

  • Allocate viewing privileges by role.

  • Assign attributes such as logo, slicer, and tooltips.

For Interactive Flows:

  • Adjust description and upload a cover photo.

  • Designate viewing access by role.

  • Link a 3D model and choose between running in 2D, 3D, or both.

  • Assign Player Attributes

(Location: Editing page of Digital Twin or Interactive Flow - within the web interface)

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