Getting Started
Former Step 1: Workspace Set Up
Step 2: Preparing the Digital Twin
In Step 2 of Getting Started with, you will need to prepare your Digital Twin. offers two ways for the creation of the Digital Twin, via Fast Track or through the 3D Studio.
This series will focus on the Fast Track option.
To generate 3D models for your Twin, Fast Track supports various file formats, including FBX, OBJ, GLTF2, STL, and more.
For detailed instructions on uploading CAD files using the Fast Track, check out the article: Create your Digital Twin using Fast Track
Once uploaded and the Digital Twin is created, you can adjust its position, add Thumbnails, Meta Data (assign Spare Parts, Part Names and more), and apply Materials in the Digital Twin Editor.
After completion publish the Digital Twin to make it widely available.
Digital Twin (Scene)
Standard available:
Parts Catalog
Covers Xray
Under Digital Twin Settings: define the following:
Visibility per role
Digital Twin attributes:
3D Menu Company logo
Tool tips
Cover Photo
Additional available functionality (defined and activated from the 3D Studio):
Animations on the Digital twin main screen
Configurations of the Digital twin
Select the color for highlights, visible in the Interactive Flow (changeable at the Settings of the Digital twin)
Define the Clearance Area of the machine β Digital Twin (relevant for MR)
Model Target Shape should be recognizable or explained (Where the user needs to aim) β add 2 images for the background and highlight
Set Thumbnails for the Knowledge Base Item in the project
Create a Dynamic Cable for animating.
Add rigged and animated models from other 3D programs.
Note: The settings activated on the level of the Digital Twin are relevant for all the Interactive Flows connected to that Digital Twin.
Publish for the relevant (or all) devices and all operating systems
Step 3: Interactive Flow Set Up