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Updated over a week ago


The knowledge base is a crucial section that will require a significant portion of your time. In this section, you will create your digital twin, access essential procedures, and utilize tools such as the animation builder, flow editor, and parts catalog editor, depending on your role.

This article will serve as a comprehensive guide to the knowledge base and its key features.

Folder Structures

To access the knowledge base, navigate to the top left menu and click on the corresponding section. This action will lead you to the folder structure of your project, where you will find digital twin models, various folders, and procedures.

If you are the project creator, this page will initially be empty, and you will need to populate it with different files and folders.

The folder structure in the knowledge base is similar to what you may already know from your operating system, where you can create and organize folders and files within them.

To create new items, including folders, digital twins, or procedures, click on the "Create new Item" button located on the right-hand side of the screen.

Create new items

By clicking the "Create new item" button, you can access a menu that provides several options for creating new items.


You can start by creating folders to organize all your files. This will make it easier for you to manage and locate your documents.


If you need to create a procedure, you can do so by selecting the Procedure option. This will enable you to create a flow for your procedures and publish them to your users.


You can also add media elements, such as pictures, videos, and document files, by selecting the Media option

frontline 3D

If you want to create a digital twin, you will need to upload a 3D model to the frontline 3D option. Without a digital twin, your procedures may not work.

Virtual Class Room*

Lastly, if you need to conduct virtual training sessions, you can create a virtual classroom by selecting the Virtual Classroom option.


In conclusion, the knowledge base is an essential part of any project, providing access to tools and procedures necessary for success. Organizing your files and utilizing the various options available, such as creating digital twins, procedures, and virtual classrooms can help streamline your project and improve its efficiency. With this guide, you can easily navigate the knowledge base and take advantage of its many features to achieve your project goals.

To find out more about the Settings, the next tab on the left menu, check out the article: Settings.

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