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Digital Twin - Bookmarks
Updated over a week ago


We are introducing the Bookmark feature in the Digital Twin 3D scene. This feature enables you to save a visibility mode of your Digital Twin, hide parts, move them, or simply explode them and save them as a bookmark.

Getting Started:

To begin creating your bookmarks, you'll notice a new button in the side menu of your digital twin, labeled "Bookmarks"

Clicking on it will open the bookmark window.

Inside, you'll find two tabs: "My Bookmarks" and "Public Bookmarks."

My Bookmarks:

This section is dedicated to your personal bookmarks. Whether you're consistently using the same visibility configuration for your training sessions or simply want a quick button to hide all the covers of the digital twin, you can create your bookmarks here.

To begin, first hide, move, or adjust the desired parts of your digital twin. Once you're satisfied with the configuration, click the "+ New bookmark" button at the top. Name your bookmark and you're all set – you've created your first bookmark

Note: When creating your bookmarks, your camera angle is taken into consideration as well. Therefore, choose a striking camera angle before creating the bookmark so it will be saved as it best showcases your bookmark.

Each bookmark features two buttons: the 'Add to Favorites' star and the 'Settings' (3 dots icon).

Add to Favorites: On the left side of the bookmark, you'll find an icon resembling a bookmark. Clicking on it will add a star, converting your bookmark into a favorite. This ensures that all your favorite bookmarks will be displayed first on the list.

Bookmark Settings: Within the settings, you have several options:

  1. Rename: Allows you to give your bookmark a new name.

  2. Make Public: Enables you to share your bookmark with others.

  3. Update Current View: Allows you to adjust the camera angle to a new desired position, updating the current view."

Public Bookmarks

Public bookmarks are designed for sharing with coworkers within your workspace. Whether you want to showcase something or share important insights, this is the place to do it.

The key difference lies in the settings, where you can view the creator of the bookmark.


The Bookmark feature in the Digital Twin 3D scene enhances your ability to customize, save, and share specific views. By allowing you to hide, move, or explode parts and save these configurations, this tool streamlines collaboration and maximizes the utility of your Digital Twin.

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