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Updated over a week ago


Each Digital Twin, has its own dashboard, from there you can play edit, edit settings, and even share it with others to see.

You can see when it was edited last and when is the last published version of it.

Here are the features you can do in the Digital Twin dashboard.

Select Files

Upload your asset bundles manually after creating them in the frontline 3D studio.

Edit Parts Catalog

Access the Parts Catalog Editor from here.

Edit animations

Access the Animation Builder from here.


Edit the Digital Twin settings.

Top buttons


Share your Digital Twin with others via URL and QR code.


Run your Digital Twin.

Preview in Browser

View the WEB version of your Digital Twin (requires WebGL asset builder).


Make changes visible to other users by publishing them.

Three Dots Menu:

  • Duplicate: Create a duplicate of your Digital Twin.

  • Move to: Move your Digital Twin to a different folder.

  • Create Task: Create a task for yourself or another user using the Digital Twin.

  • Basic Statistics: View statistics like average duration, views, and completed sessions.

  • Unpublish: Remove the Digital Twin from being accessible online.

  • Delete: Remove the Digital Twin permanently.


The history here is a useful tool you can use.

In the middle of the screen, you have the Editing history and the Publishing history.

Editing History:

Whenever you or any of your colleagues make changes to the Digital Twin settings, the editing history will keep track of the most recent modification. There are two ways to remove an item from this history:

  1. Rollback: This option allows you to undo the most recent edit made to the Digital Twin.

  2. Publish: If you want to make the latest version of the file official, you can publish it.

Publishing History:

The publishing history displays all the versions of the Digital Twin, along with the name of the person who published them and the date on which they were published. By clicking on the three dots next to each item, you can access a menu with three options:

  1. Preview: This option provides a preview of the current version of the Digital Twin.

  2. View Changes Made: When publishing a new version, you can write a brief description of what has been changed. This description will be visible when you click on the "view changes made" button.

  3. Rollback: If you want to use an old version of the model, simply click on the three dots next to that version and select the rollback option.


To access the settings of the Digital Twin, click on the "Edit Settings" button. This will open a window where you can modify various aspects of your Digital Twin.


Change the name of your Digital Twin to your desired name.


Add a brief description of your Digital Twin for users to read.

Visible to

Choose which roles in the workspace can see your Digital Twin by selecting or deselecting the appropriate checkboxes.

Cover photo

Make it easier for users to find your Digital Twin by adding a cover photo. This photo will be displayed when searching for your Digital Twin in the web app.

Digital twin attributes

3D menu company logo

Add your company logo to the 3D menu of your Digital Twin by uploading a picture to this attribute.


Enable the slicing feature for your Digital Twin from here. For more information on the slicer, refer to the following article.


Turn on/off tooltips for your Digital Twin. Note that you can also turn them on/off within the digital scene, but this setting determines the starting state of tooltips.


In summary, the Digital Twin dashboard provides a range of features for managing and editing Digital Twins. Users can upload files, edit catalogs, share and preview their Digital Twin, and track changes made over time through the editing and publishing list.

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