Magic Leap 2 - Key Features
Updated over a week ago

What you need to know about the Magic Leap 2 and its key features

  • Larger Field of View (FOV): The ML2 offers a significantly larger and taller FOV than any previous headset, with a FOV of 70 degrees.

  • Dimmable Display: The ML2 can dim its display, allowing users to block out light and focus more on virtual objects.

  • Easier to Wear: Compared to its predecessor, the ML2 is easier to wear and more comfortable for extended use. It has flatter lenses, and slimmer arms, and weighs only 260 grams (slightly more than half a pound).

  • New Android-based OS: The ML2 is equipped with a new Android-based operating system, making it easier for developers to work with and create applications.

  • Custom Projection Technology: Magic Leap developed its own custom architecture for projection, utilizing LCoS (liquid crystal on silicon) combined with LED RGB light modules, concentrators, and polarizers to deliver images to the user's eyes.

  • Global Dimmer: The ML2 features a global dimmer module in front of the eyepiece, which can darken the natural world and enhance the visibility and color of virtual objects. It can reduce light by a factor of 100 and add shadows to AR objects.

  • Enterprise Focus: The ML2 primarily targets enterprise customers, such as doctors and engineers, who can benefit from augmented reality assistance during surgeries or when working with complex machinery.

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