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Immersive Room
Design your Immersive room
Design your Immersive room
Updated over a week ago


Now that we've created an immersive room with a chosen digital twin and environment, it's time to design the room to our specific needs.

Opening the Room

Locate the room you created, which may be either in the public or private rooms section, depending on your selection.

Clicking on it will bring up the lobby window. Here, you can view details such as the creator of the room, the duration it has been open, the presence of other users, and the platforms through which you can access the room.

To enter the room, simply click on "Join." If you wish to return to the Immersive Room dashboard, you can click on the"Return" button.

What is the same inside the immersive room?

Let's discuss what remains consistent for the user inside the immersive room. When you incorporate a digital twin, you'll find familiar features like the Parts catalog and X-ray functionality, just like in a standard digital twin scene. (Note: The 24.1 version doesn't yet support interactive flows, but they're on the way.)

With selection tools, users can easily manipulate parts within the environment. Whether you're selecting, moving, or repositioning components, the room saves every change you make.

This method also allows for the seamless manipulation of the entire model. Just select the top parent in the hierarchy and move or rotate the model using the simple gizmo interface.

What's new inside the immersive room?

When you add an environment, the first thing you'll notice is a nice feature for better meetings.

There's also a handy bottom menu that lets you see who's on the call, talk to them using the microphone, and point at things with a pointer if you need to show something.

At the bottom right of the screen, you'll find the 'add media' button, where you can discover some of the cool new features available in the immersive room

Add Media


The measure tool enables you to create a dynamic ruler for precise measurements within the immersive environment. This tool operates on a 1:1 scale, ensuring accuracy when your digital twin is true to real-life dimensions.

Media Library

Clicking on the 'Add Media' button unveils our new Media Library, featuring a range of useful tools such as arrows, pointers, hand gestures, and other practical resources. Additionally, in the 'Used Tools' section, you can easily track which tools are already integrated into the scene.

  • Upload Custom: We empower users to enrich their virtual space by allowing the addition of PDFs, videos, and pictures. This feature can transform your room into an educational hub, offering valuable resources. As mentioned earlier, the room remains accessible for as long as you permit.

Add Note

The 'Add Note' function opens a window where you can jot down notes, customize the background and font colors, adjust the size and position, and then place it within the room upon acceptance.

Editing your room

So, you've discovered a handy tool or perhaps a captivating picture you wish to incorporate into your scene. What's the next step?

To maneuver these elements around the scene, utilize the selection tools to move, rotate, and position them as desired. If resizing is necessary for notes or media, simply observe the blue frame and adjust their size accordingly.

Edit Bar:

Upon adding media elements, the bottom menu transforms into the edit bar.

The edit bar remains consistent across all elements, with an additional feature for notes that enables easy revisiting and editing.

Functions of the Edit Bar:

  • Delete Media: Removes the selected item from the room.

  • Switch to 3D/2D: In 2D mode, media attaches to the room surface, while in 3D mode, you have the freedom to move it anywhere.

  • Edit Text (for Notes): Allows you to modify your notes.

  • Reset Size: Restores the element's size to its default dimensions if changed using the blue frame.

  • Lock Editing: Prevents further modification, effectively locking the item in place.

  • Deselect: Exits the edit mode, returning you to the regular interaction interface.

Options menu

Located in the left corner, you'll find our familiar options menu, boasting its default features like the help button, settings, Activate VR, and Recorder. However, the latest inclusion to this menu, exclusive to the immersive room, is the Room Info.

Room Info offers valuable insights. It provides details such as the room's current status, ownership information, time elapsed since the room's opening, and the total number of users currently present.


The immersive room facilitates seamless collaboration and creativity. With dynamic tools like measurement and a diverse media library, users can customize their environment and communicate effectively. Intuitive editing options and detailed room insights enhance productivity and innovation, making the immersive room a valuable asset for diverse tasks and interactions.

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