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Animation Builder - Creating Animations
Animation Builder - Creating Animations

Part 03 - Discover how to animate your parts.

Updated over a week ago


In our previous Part 02, we picked the parts we wanted to animate, laying the foundation for our animation. Now, let's get into the animation process itself.

Understanding Waypoints:

Before you begin animating, it's important to get familiar with Waypoints.

Each Waypoint represents a specific moment in your animation's timeline. They guide your animated object from one position to another, essentially instructing your part on what to do.

A Waypoint consists of four key elements:

  1. Duplicate Waypoint Button: This button allows you to make a copy of the current waypoint, which can be useful for creating similar animations.

  2. Name: You can assign a name to your waypoint, making it easier to organize your animation, especially when dealing with multiple Waypoints.

  3. Edit: This mode lets you start animating your part by adjusting its movement and rotation according to your desired animation.

  4. Trash Bin: Clicking this icon will delete the waypoint, removing it from your animation's timeline.

Have you noticed the gap between the waypoints? This gap represents the time it takes for your part to move from one waypoint to the next. Lower numbers will speed up the animation, while higher numbers will slow it down.

Adjusting the timing is easy—simply click on the number and change it to your preferred value. This way, you can fine-tune the pace of your animation to achieve the desired effect.

Starting Point:

The parts we've selected are all set for animation. To begin, just click the "Add Waypoint" button. This action not only adds the first animation point but also sets up a "Starting Point" for your part.

Usually, we want our part to start from its default position, so the system automatically creates this starting point for you. If you want to begin your animation from a different spot, simply click "Edit" and choose a new starting position, similar to how we choose the pivot placement, either manually or within the giving tab.


Now, let's dive into Waypoints, where you can start moving and rotating your chosen part.

You have the flexibility to move and rotate your part in the same waypoint or split it across different Waypoints. This is where your creativity comes into play.

You can perform these movements using the Gizmo for ease or manually through the provided Tab, choosing the method that suits you best. It's all about what works for you!

Tip: When starting the animation process notice how the framing of the app changes to red, this will help us know that we are editing a waypoint.

Preview your animation

To ensure your waypoints produce the desired animation, utilize the Preview bar located at the bottom of the screen.
This will play your animation with the selected Camera angle

The Preview bar is made up of several key elements:

  1. Play Button: This button initiates the playback of your animations, giving you a real-time view of how your animation flows.

  2. Waypoints: Look for the small dots at the top; these represent your waypoints and show the key moments in your animation.

  3. Timestamp: The timestamp indicates the duration of your animation, helping you track its length.

  4. Loop Preview Button: This handy feature allows you to play your animation in an endless loop right within the Animation Builder, facilitating easy assessment and adjustments.


In a nutshell, Waypoints are like key moments in your animation that guide your object's movement. You can duplicate, name, and edit them, adjusting timing as needed.

In each Waypoint, move and rotate your object using the Gizmo or manual adjustments.

With these tools, you're all set to bring your animation to life. Happy animating!

Next Article in the Animation Builder flow: Extra Features: Such as naming, highlights, and more.

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