The 3D Studio is a powerful tool that enhances your Unity projects with advanced content creation capabilities. Follow the steps below to install and update the 3D Studio SDK in your Unity project.
Before you begin, ensure that you have the following:
A user account
Advanced Content Creator privilege (If you don't have it, contact your workspace admin)
Installation Steps
Launch your web browser and navigate to the website.
Click on the "Login" button and sign in using your credentials.
Once logged in, select your workspace.
On the top panel of the website, locate and click on the "3D Studio" button.
This will initiate the download of a Unitypackage file for the 3D Studio.
Open Unity on your workstation.
In the Unity editor, navigate to the top menu and select "Assets" > "Import Package" > "Custom Package".
Browse to the location where you downloaded the 3D Studio UnityPackage file.
Select the UnityPackage file and click "Open" to import it into your Unity project.
The import process may take several minutes or even up to an hour, depending on your workstation's performance. Be patient and allow Unity to complete the import.
Once the import is finished, a window will appear indicating that the import is complete. Click on the "Import" button to proceed.
After the import is complete, verify that the 3D Studio SDK was installed correctly by checking for the presence of the "LLS" menu button in the top menu of the Unity editor.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed the 3D Studio SDK in your Unity project.
Updating the 3D Studio SDK
To update the 3D Studio SDK to a newer version, follow the steps below:
Visit the website and log in using your credentials.
Select your workspace.
Click on the "3D Studio" button in the top panel.
Download the latest UnityPackage file for the 3D Studio.
In Unity, navigate to "Window" > "Package Manager" in the top menu.
In the Package Manager window, locate the frontline SDK package.
Click on the "Remove" button at the bottom of the window to uninstall the frontline SDK package.
Confirm the removal of the frontline SDK package when prompted.
Once the removal is complete, close the Package Manager window.
Now, you can proceed with the installation of the updated 3D Studio SDK by following the installation steps mentioned earlier in the guide.
Open Unity on your workstation.
In the Unity editor, navigate to the top menu and select "Assets" > "Import Package" > "Custom Package".
Browse to the location where you downloaded the latest 3D Studio UnityPackage file.
Select the UnityPackage file and click "Open" to import it into your Unity project.
Allow Unity to import the package and follow the import process as described earlier.
Verify that the update was successful by checking for the presence of the "LLS" menu button in the top menu.
By following these updated steps, you can ensure that you remove the previous 3D Studio SDK from the Package Manager before updating it to the latest version, avoiding any conflicts and ensuring a smooth update process.