Introduction 3D Studio app is an excellent platform for creating and collaborating on digital twins. The app provides a variety of tools and features to enhance the creation process, and one such feature is the capability to move interactions from one PC to another. This feature enables users to work in collaborations in the same digital twin, improving efficiency and workflow. In this article, we will discuss how to export and import interactions from one PC to another in the 3D Studio app.
Exporting Process
Exporting Interactions from PC 1
Before exporting the interactions from PC 1, it is essential to note that changes in the model, such as hierarchy movement, names, transformations, pivots, or materials, will not be transferred, only animation parameters and interactions data (such as Activator Objects, camera location, etc.).
Careful consideration should be given while exporting only the new interactions from PC 1 so as not to override existing interactions in PC 2 unless it is intended.
Here are the steps to export the interactions from PC 1:
In Unity, place all of the interactions to export under one parent and select the parent.
While the parent is selected, go to LLS > Tools > Interactions > Export Selected Interactions.
Save the exported Unity package to your desired location.
Send the exported Unity package to PC 2 through a secure file transfer platform.
Importing Interactions into PC 2:
After exporting the interactions from PC 1, the next step is to import the interactions into PC 2. Here are the steps to import the interactions:
Download the Unity package that was sent from PC 1.
In Unity, while in the relevant scene, go to LLS > Tools > Interactions > Import Interactions.
Select the Unity package that was sent from PC 1.
The imported interactions should now be in the scene and ready to work on. You can upload the interactions if needed through the interactions menu.
In conclusion, the ability to move interactions from one PC to another is an excellent feature that the 3D Studio app provides.
Following the steps mentioned above will enable you to export and import interactions seamlessly and collaborate efficiently. It is important to note that only new interactions should be exported from PC 1 to avoid overwriting existing interactions in PC 2 unless it is intended.
By using this feature, you can work in collaborations in the same digital twin, making the creation process more streamlined and efficient.