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Adding a Secondary Mixed Reality Object Detection While In a Procedure
Adding a Secondary Mixed Reality Object Detection While In a Procedure
Updated over a week ago


Object detection is an important feature in a mixed reality that can help in a variety of applications. In a procedure, it can be particularly useful when working on a part of a machine that needs to be removed and placed somewhere else. In this guide, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to add secondary mixed reality object detection during a procedure.

Step 1: Create Object Detection

The first step is to create the object detection by right-clicking on the relevant optimized model and selecting LLS > Create > Object tracking manager.

Step 2: Connect the Model

Next, make sure the object tracking manager is not the main tracker, then drag the relevant model from the model's hierarchy to the Object Tracking Manager Root field.

Step 3: Create an Interaction

Create an interaction that triggers the object tracking mode. Give it a name (e.g., the model's name), and add "tracking" after it to make it easily identifiable.

Step 4: Set Up the Interaction

In the interaction, add a new event in the "On Activate" field, drag the object tracking manager into the field, select Object Tracking Manager, Set Sub Object Tracking state, and turn it on.

Step 5: Deactivate the Tracker

To deactivate the tracker, find the interaction where the tracked part is going back to the machine, and create a new event in the "On Activate" field. Drag the object tracking manager into the field, select Object Tracking Manager, and turn off the Sub Object Tracking state.

Step 6: Add the Interaction to the Procedure

Open the procedure in the node editor, add a new node, and add the created interaction into it.

Step 7: Choose the Platform

Add a platform switch node to decide which platform will show the tracking interaction.

Step 8: Continue with the Procedure

After tracking, you can drag the Tracking interaction to the next step to continue with the procedure.

Step 9: Test the Tracking

Save and publish the procedure and test the tracking in the app through AR.


Adding secondary mixed reality object detection during a procedure can help make the process more efficient and less error-prone. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily add this feature to your application. By doing so, you can enhance the user experience and improve the overall outcome of the procedure.

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